Who can join?

Our rides are women-led and organised for all women, non-binary and trans riders.

Our casual Sunday rides are open to all bikes, bodies and fitness levels.

For other rides (e.g. Afterwork, Off-road), please see specific bicycle, pace requirements and details.

What types of rides do you offer?

When Casual Cycling Club started, we offered one ‘casual ride’. Today, we’re excited to offer not only casual rides, but also Afterwork Wednesday rides, off-road rides, workshops and our #Project100 progression summer rides.

How fast are the rides?

  • Casual rides are made to include everyone and all levels. The group usually splits into two groups: ‘party pace’ and ‘tempo pace’.
  • Afterwork rides are ‘chase pace’ (faster than ‘tempo pace’) and around 24-26km/h
  • Off-road rides vary, the focus is more on exploring and building skills
  • Project100 rides aims to be at ‘tempo pace’ and adapt to the group

PARTY PACE – (<18km/h)
Fun and enjoyment over speed. Slow and steady, lots of breaks and stops. Great for getting more comfortable on your bike and learning to ride in a group. We adjust speeds to accommodate all riders, no one is left behind. Everyone can join!

TEMPO PACE (20-22km/h average)
Let’s pick up that tempo! For riders who want to try riding in a peloton and challenging themselves.

CHASE PACE – (24-26km/h average)
This group is for those who love chasing QOMs, chasing the leader and chasing those summits. Great for perfecting peloton skills.

Not sure which pace you want to join? No problem, join and we’ll decide together.

I’ve registered for a ride, but haven’t received any info?

Totally normal, you’re definitely registered! We send out registration confirmation and ride details 2-3 days before the ride. Keep your eye out for an email from us then and when in doubt, feel free to send us an email with your questions.

Are you a non-profit or for-profit organisation?

No, we are completely volunteer run and fund small expenses out of our own pockets. We’re just a bunch of passionate cyclists, who want to share the joy of riding a bike and build an inclusive community in Brussels.

Is cycling insurance important? Which do you suggest?

We think it’s important to have cycling insurance that protects you, covering personal liability and medical costs. As Casual Cycling Club (CCC) is an informal volunteer-led group, each rider is responsible for themselves and CCC cannot be held liable.

We suggest Cycling Vlaanderen’s recreational license for year-round coverage and assistance, you can find more information on their website.


  • As the website is only in Flemish/Dutch you can use Google Chrome’s webpage translation option (or Google Translate/Deepl) to better understand the details.
  • If you choose “Casual Cycling Club” as your club, you’ll receive a small discount on your annual policy (an individual policy will be 30€ instead of 35€).
  • You can likely get the total amount reimbursed by your mutualité/health insurance. After registering you can download the required form directly in the member portal.

Got more questions? Send us an email. Happy to support you!